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Therapeutic Storytelling: Managing Challenge through Story

Item Code: TS
Price:  $500.00

Therapeutic Storytelling: Managing Challenge through Story

Item Code: TS
Price:  $500.00
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    √..Inspiring! Definitely would recommend this course! Loved it!


    √..Really useful to get a template for and have discussion of metaphors in therapeutic storytelling.


    √..Loved the hands-on approach. Inclusive environment and supportive atmosphere for learning.

    After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world. 

    Phillip Pullman

    Course Overview:

    Stories provide powerful metaphors to inspire, teach and guide. Stories give hope, build resilience, develop positive values and can change behaviour.


    In these sessions, you will hear examples of ideas and techniques for writing healing stories. You will explore the therapeutic use and benefits of metaphor. With the support of a story making framework, you will be guided in metaphor mapping and guided to create your own stories to address a range of challenging behaviours and situations. 


    Through case study examples and practical exercises, this workshop will introduce you to a range of therapeutic stories for children and adults in counselling and group work. Learn ways to create, source and use stories therapeutically in your work. Experience hands-on training and gain skills in storytelling for healing.

    You will have the opportunity to:

    • Learn a therapeutic writing framework (metaphor, journey, resolution) 
    • Explore the process of metaphor mapping
    • Create story journeys
    • Practice clarifying story resolutions
    • Use a ‘random story cards’ approach to stimulate imaginative story ideas
    • Appreciate the historical and cultural value of storytelling, and imagination as a ‘way of knowing’
    • Identify the genre of therapeutic storytelling
    • Learn in the safely and support of a small group

    Please note, this is a LIVE and INTERACTIVE training event. We don't record this.

    Training methods will include:

    • Interactive presentations
    • Case presentations
    • Large group discussions
    • Pair and small group discussions
    • Practical story constructions
    • Art therapy session - Drawing your way into metaphor  

    Who Should Attend:

    Psychologists, social workers, counsellors, teachers, play therapists, psychotherapists, pastoral workers, parents and carers and other allied health professionals and students who are interested in incorporating elements of storytelling into their work. 


    Workshop Facilitator Susan Perrow - M.(Ed)


    Susan passionately believes 'stories know the way'! She has an extensive background in lecturing, consulting, writing and storytelling. Susan is based in Australia but travels internationally giving workshops and training seminars for teachers, counsellors and health professionals in the UK, Europe, North America, Asia and China.


    In 2000, Susan developed the first course on Storytelling for an Australian University (S.C.U.) and completed her Masters Research on Storytelling. She has received Australian Government funding to pilot creative courses and (storytelling) resources for children with challenging behaviour. Her work at a U.S. National Medical Conference - 'This Examined Life' - at Iowa University in 2013 was accredited by the AMA.


    Susan writes, collects and documents stories that offer a therapeutic journey for the storyteller and listener - a positive, imaginative way of helping resolve challenging situationsHer story work has led to the publication by Hawthorne Press, U.K. of three resource books, the first two in ten languages: Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour (2008), Therapeutic Storytelling - 101 Healing Stories for Children (2012) and, An A-Z Collection of Behaviour Tales for Children (2017). Today her time is spent writing, consulting with teachers, parents and therapists, and running seminars on therapeutic storytelling.  Listen to Susan's interview with Richard Fidler (ABC Radio - Conversations).


    Workshop Dates and Times:                    


    25th August 12.30-3.00pm AEST
    26th August 12.30-3.00pm AEST
    27th August 9am  - 12.00pm AEST

    Attending from interstate or internationally?

    You can use this time converter to check the exact day and time of this training for your location.


    Workshop Details

    Included in the workshop price:

    • 8 CPD hours 
    • Access to pre-reading booklet with theory notes and story examples
    • Link to create Certificate of Attendance
    • GST

    You Will Need

    Each participant needs a few sheets (2 or 3) of A3 or A4 paper and some pencils or crayons - this is for the metaphor drawing session.
    Plus a notebook and pen  

    Workshop Cost

    Special Price    $500

    Work Paying?

    Lucky you!

    Send us an email requesting an invoice via the contact page with your name, the dates and name of course/courses you'd like to do and the name of your organisation who you want us to invoice and we will send you an organisational invoice and a registration form.


    What people are saying about ...

    Therapeutic Storytelling: Addressing Challenge through Story

    The training workshop was..

  excellent foundation to start storytelling in my practice.


    ..valuable in listening to the experience of the trainer and her journey in storytelling as well as learning how stories have been told with therapeutic aims.


    ..encouraging of creativity and flow of thoughts and ideas with therapeutic relevance and consideration for application in practice.


    ..a privilege to have been working with a person of such creative talent.


    √..really useful to get a template for and have discussion of metaphors in therapeutic storytelling.


    √..I have gone away from this workshop with so many ideas to further my writing for children. Extremely useful!


    √..the presentation was delivered in a clear and easy to understand way.


    √..Susan is a wonderful storyteller and teacher! Very inspiring workshop!


    √..opened by eyes to a therapeutic story writing method that can be very non-confrontational.


    √..this was a new concept for me and I found the process of storytelling as therapy enlightening and incredibly powerful. I will be adding therapeutic storytelling to my "tool-kit" from now on!


    √..I thoroughly enjoyed every minute and learned so much more than I imagined.


    √..Loved the hands-on approach. Inclusive environment and supportive atmosphere for learning.


    √..the group dynamic was wonderful and supportive.