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Feeling Our Feelings: Body Based Methods for Safe Emotional Experience

Item Code: FOF
Price:  $80.00

Feeling Our Feelings: Body Based Methods for Safe Emotional Experience

Item Code: FOF
Price:  $80.00
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Webinar Description

LIVE 90-minute webinar

This webinar offers insights into body-based methods you can use to support clients to safely feel their feelings. Many clients resist feeling, fearing being incapacitated by overwhelm or a collapse state. Resisting can lead to dissociation, disconnection and suppression resulting in further challenges and illness.

Through understanding the charge of a rising feeling and using body-awareness, movement and creative-reflection to identify and work with the feeling, we can safely support clients to begin this process and resource themselves. A client-centred approach where they have full agency and choice.

In this 90-minute workshop, you will be invited to experience this process for yourself. Guided by Movement & Expressive Arts Therapy Facilitator, Cathy Williams, you will moved organically through body-awareness, identification, allowing/being with, expression of, shifting/transforming and integration.

Be inspired with embodied knowledge and understanding of ways you can begin to weave body-awareness, movement practices and creative-reflection into your existing practices and work with clients and groups.

These methods can be useful for clinicians working across the lifespan. 


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the webinar you will have the opportunity to:


  • Understand the practicalities of integrating body-based methods with clients in safe trauma-informed sustainable ways. 
  • Experience the creative possibilities which allow feelings to be identified, expressed and transformed through the body.
  • Create spaciousness to cultivate embodied presence: explore the insights and gems of wisdom available through being present with feelings. 
  • Be inspired with creative ideas and processes to weave body awareness, movement and creative arts into your practices and client work.

Who Should Attend 

Mental Health practitioners seeking ways to understand how the body can be a resource and guide.
Counsellors, social workers, psychologists and those in the healing, health & well-being sector interested in mind-body-heart connection, practitioners seeking new experiences and methodologies in support clients to understand the charge of their feelings and shift/transform these feelings through awareness, movement-based interventions and creative reflective processes.
This webinar is suitable for therapists working with children, young people & adults.

Learning Methods

  • Interactive and practical presentation
  • Small group debrief and discussion
  • Body-based connection through breath and awareness
  • Expressive Arts Therapy
  • Somatic touch and movement-based methods
  • Creative Dance Therapy Scores


Dates and Times

Live webinar will be run on:

Friday 2nd May 2025, 10:30am - 12pm AEST


Monday 15th September 2025, 10:30am - 12pm AEST


Numbers limited to 20 people.


Attending from interstate or internationally?

You can use this time converter to check the exact day and time of this training for your location.


Presenter - Cathy Williams


Cathy Williams is a Movement and Expressive Arts Therapy Facilitator.

She has 16 years experience in the Community Work field co-designing and facilitating capacity building programs.

She is a huge advocate for listening to the body, creating space to feel our feelings, and allowing them to offer us insights and wise guidance.

Since 2016, her offerings under her business ’Intuitive Self’ encourage client’s agency and creative self-discovery. Cathy guides individuals and community groups through movement and creative art modality experiences to inspire curious inquiry and access inner resources which support them to navigate the ebb and flow of this wild life.




Work Paying?

Lucky you!

Send us an email requesting an invoice via the contact page with your name, the dates and name of course/courses you'd like to do and the name of your organisation who you want us to invoice and we will send you an organisational invoice and a registration form. 


Participant Preparation

You will need:

  • A private space to be in with no others present in the room you are in (for others privacy)
  • A device you can use other than your phone (with a camera) so you can participate in this interactive learning webinar;
  • To wear comfortable clothes for movement exploration;
  • To be located in a space you can move;
  • To have some A4 or A3 loose paper and drawing materials (pencils/pastels).